
Events next weeks

Location Based Services 2008

Mon 27 Oct 2008 – Thu 30 Oct 2008
Hilton Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Tag 1:
11.10 YAHOO CASE STUDY: Determining Where Future LBS Revenues Lie
Gerrit Mueller, Senior Director for Mobile Products, YAHOO! CONNECTED LIFE

Tag 2:
10.05 PANEL DISCUSSION: Can Location Deliver On The Hype Surrounding Mobile Advertising?
Peggy Salz, Publisher & Chief Analyst, MSEARCHGROOVE.COM
Andrew Grill, Mobile Advertising Evangelist, GIGAFONE
Alain Heureux, President, IAB EUROPE

14.30 Bringing LBS To The Mainstream By Providing Compelling Offline Solutions For Mass-Market Devices
David Wasser, Founder, SHARPMIND

16.00 Defining Location Awareness And Delivering Revenue Opportunities At The Intersection Of Mobile Social Networking And LBS
Sam Critchley, Co-Founder, GYPSII

16.30 CASE STUDY: Analysing The Launch Of A Location Enabled Social Network
Awais Malik, Head of Marketing Segments & Products, ZONG

Tag 3:
14.30 Examining How Content Providers Can Use Mapping And LBS To Drive Revenue From Their Services
Hans De Bruijn, Managing Director, LBS CONSULTING GROUP

Mobile User Expirience
11th – 12th November, London

Tag 1:
Launching Innovative Web 2.0 Services
# Robert Lattuada , Head of Portfolio Selection, T-Mobile, UK

Content Provider: Using the Device as an Enabler for Socially Networked and User Generated Content
# Haim Cohen-Mintz , VP, Europe and Carrier Relationships, Vringo, UK

Tag 2:
3D, and Other New Trends, With a Purpose – Not just for the Sake of It
# Fredrik Ademar, CTO, The Astonishing TribeSweden

Touch and Proximity Sensing – An Innovative Way for Users to Interact with their Device
John Feland, Human Interface Architect, Synaptics, USA

Organisation Insight: Case Study BONDI Mobile Web Initiative
# Tim Haysom, CMO, OMTP,

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