
Zusammenfassungen Mobile2.0 Event

Einige Beiträge welche die Ergebnisse der Mobile2.0 Konferenz in San Francisco zusammenfassen:

Mobile2.0: great showcase and a grassroots revolution ..

10 Things I Learned at Mobile 2.0

#1 Mobile 2.0 = The Web
#2 The mobile web browser is the next killer app
#3 Mobile Web Applications are the future
#4 AJAX is the next frontier
#5 Javascript kills battery life
#6 The Mobile User Experience Sucks/Rules/Is Hot!
#7 Mobile Widgets are the next big thing
#8 The Carrier is the new „C“ word
#9 People abuse the Podium
#10 We are creators not consumers

Interessant, was zum Thema mobile Ajax prognostiziert wird:

I expect in 2007 we will see a flurry of announcements focused on AJAX, or AJAX-based web applications on mobile phones. But I think it may not be until 2008 that we see the market saturation of AJAX supported browsers high enough to give it much weight.

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