Mobile Blogging

Moblogging Land Japan

Japan war schon immer ein Vorreiterland in Bezug auf neue Trends. Moblogging ist wie herkömmliches Blogging in Japan höchst populär (Japanisch hält den höchsten prozentuellen Anteil bei den Sprachen aller Blogs weltweit). Interessant ist aber laut diesem Artikel, das die Mehrheit der Japaner/innen (rund 2/3) vorwiegend mobiel bloggen:

The Japanese love blogging. In fact, according to the Technorati 2007 „State of the Blogosphere“ report, Japanese is the #1 blogging language in the world, accounting for 37% of all blog entries posted on the Internet. English accounts for only 36% of all blog posts. Compared with the West, Japanese blogs tend to contain less serious discussion and debate. Instead, much more of Japanese blogging is on the fun and frivolous side, with entertainment gossip and cuisine-related sites consistently ranking high in popularity.

It’s also quite probable that Japan leads the world in mobile blogging. According to a recent survey, the mobile phone was found to be the blogging device of choice, being used by over two-thirds of bloggers in Japan. In fact, over a third of the sample stated that they only blog by mobile phone, while another 20% used both mobile phone and PC, while favoring the phone. The levels for favoring using a PC for blogging were lower.

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via heike

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