Mobile Search Research

Studie: Mobile Search & Discovery

Die Analysten von Juniper Research haben wieder mal in ihre Glaskugeln geguckt und eine Studie zum Mobile Search gezaubert. Laut dieser soll der Umsatz mit mobilen Suchdiensten bis zum Jahr 2013 rund 4,8 Milliarden Dollar ausmachen. Besonders populär sollen ortbezogene Suchen werden, die 40% des gesamten mittels Werbung erwirtschafteten Umsatzes von mobilen Suchen einbringen. Der Report beantwortet weiters die Fragen:

• What is the current and future size of the mobile search market?
• What are the key drivers for mobile search adoption?
• What are the strategies of Google and Yahoo! within the mobile environment?
• Who are the major players in mobile search?
• In which regions is mobile search usage likely to be highest?
• What do key industry executives believe to be the main opportunities for mobile search?
• How much data revenue will mobile operators generate through search services?
• What are the likely implications of data storage and privacy regulations for mobile search providers?
• What are the leading location-based search platforms and applications?
• What impact will the deployment of 3G services have upon mobile search?

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