
Mobile Jam Session am CTIA Wireless

Mobile Jam Session

10:30am – Noon ‘Unpanel’ discussion: Opening the Mobile Web

How do we open up the mobile web to ease development and really open up the mass market to consumers? Let’s talk about native apps and web apps; suggest common interfaces and consistent security; and review best practices. Contribute to OMTP’s BONDI initiative.

1:00pm – 3:45pm Improv sessions

Led by developers and industry leaders alike, where everyone gets a chance to be heard and have their questions answered in small discussion groups with these topics:

* Mobile Security and Anti-viruses
* Mobile banking and payments
* Browsers & widgets
* Device attributes – vendors and mobile use cases
* Porting, Testing and Certification
* Distribution and channels

4:00pm – 5:00pm ‘Unpanel’ discussion: The Broken Path to Market

Where’s the money? Following the path from investors to customers and all links in-between. How do developers make choices and get rewarded.

5:00pm – late Wrap Party: offsite

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