
Event: Mobile Web2.0 Summit

Wie auch letztes Jahr findet heuer wieder der Mobile Web2.0 Summit in London statt. Am 3. und 4. Juli widmet sich die Konferenz ganz der Frage nach dem Business Model für das mobile Web2.0.

The Mobile Web 2.0 Summit isn’t your normal kind of event – you DO NOT turn up and meet loads of the same people that you always meet. Instead you’ll be part of a truly innovative and international event.

In the rooms will be a superb cross section of Mobile Web stakeholders – big fish, small fish, fat fish, thin fish from oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, bowls… I’m sure you get the picture.

Now that the build up to the event has officially commenced, I want to give you the opportunity to get actively involved as: a speaker, panellist, sponsor, exhibitor, developer, delegate, partner or blogger.

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