Entwicklung Mobile OS Plattform

Sieger der ADC2 stehen fest

Die Gewinner der zweiten Android Developer Challenge stehen fest! Gestern wurden die 30 Gewinner in 10 unterschiedlichen Kategorien bekannt gegeben.

Die 3 besten Applikationen der gesamten Challenge:

icon SweetDreams
SweetDreams is a revolutionary tool that will finally allow you to go to sleep without worrying about changing your phone settings in order to avoid unwelcome late night calls. You can even use those inactivity periods to save battery power as well, and of course forget about enabling WiFi, Bluetooth or ringtones volume …
icon What the Doodle!?
‚WTD!?‘ is a real-time online multiplayer game where one player tries to draw out a given phrase and others try to guess it. Features FFA and Team games, Global Highscores, Personal Face Doodles, integrated Voice Recognition and more! Real-time drawing!? Built for performance, you’ll really see the magic at first doodle!
icon WaveSecure
WaveSecure is a complete mobile security solution that protects your device, data and privacy. 1. Track your phone’s location and who is using it 2. Lock down your phone remotely, making it worthless to the thief 3. Backup all your data 4. Wipe out your data remotely 5. Restore your data May the phone be with you!

Die volle Liste alle 30 Gewinner hier

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