Mobile Browser

Skyfire für iPad im App Store gelandet

Skyfire gibt es ab sofort neben dem iPhone auch für das iPad in einer angepassten Variante. Der alternative Browser mit Flash Unterstützung wurde kürzlich in den App Store aufgenommen. Neu in der iPad Version sind sogenannte Quickviews, die der User in der Bottom Navigation aktivieren kann. Dadurch öffnen sich in einem Popup Fenster Dienste wie Facebook, twitter oder Google Reader. Weiters kann man damit einfach Websites und Inhalte daraus speichern und sharen.

Vollständiges Featuresset aus der Presseaussendung:

* Video –The “Video” icon enables you to play millions of videos designed for Flash Player that otherwise don’t play on iOS devices. This unlocks content typically trapped behind error messages, question marks and blue Legos, by transcoding the Flash Video content into Apple-approved formats on Skyfire’s servers.
* · Facebook and Twitter QuickView – Get instant access to your News Feed, profile, friends, inbox, events and Places.

* · FireplaceTM Feed Reader – A simple but addictive tool that provides a filtered list of your Facebook feed that only includes media your friends are sharing—just the links to browsable web pages, images, and videos posted by your Facebook friends.

* · Popular Content – You just finished reading a story on one of your favorite web sites and want to quickly decide what to read next. Click on the Popular button on the SkyBarTM and instantly see what content on that site is most popular with your friends and within the 500+ million user Facebook community.

* · Google Reader – As with Facebook Quickview, Google Reader keeps you logged into Google with one-touch access to Gmail, Buzz, and RSS.
* · Universal Like Button – Skyfire for iPad puts the Facebook Like Button on every page of the Internet. No scrolling around searching for the button on the page; simply click on the SkybarTM Like Button to easily ‘like’ or ‘unlike’ the page you are viewing or to share

Und ein kleines Video das die Funktionen insbesondere Quickview im Detail erklärt:

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