
MWC Roundup Tag 2


HTC Desire S

HTC Desire S – live video look from MWC

HTC Desire S Ups the Ante, First Look at MWC

HTC Wildfire S

HTC stellt das HTC Wildfire S vor
HTC Wildfire S: Nexus One Mid-Range Mini

HTC Incredible S

HTC Incredible S Android smartphone first look
HTC stellt das HTC Incredible S vor

HTC ChaCha & Salsa

Up close and personal with the HTC Salsa – The closest thing you’ll get to a Facebook phone
HTC ChaCha in the flesh at Mobile World Congress – A Facebook phone for the typing types
‘There Is No Facebook Phone,’ Mark Zuckerberg Says

HTC Flyer

HTC Flyer Falls Short With Android 2.X
HTC Launches a 7-Inch, 1.5 GHz Tablet
Hands On Videos vom HTC Flyer 7″ Android Tablet


Eric Schmidt: We Tried To Convince Nokia to Switch to Android
350,000 Activations Per Day, Says Schmidt
Android 2.4 (Ice Cream) to be Honeycomb for smartphones

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