Mobile 2.0 Research

25% des Umsatz mit UGC

Laut einer aktuellen Studie von Nokia soll bis zum Jahre 2012 25% des gesamten Entertainment Umsatzes im mobile Business mit user generated content gemacht werden. Ein paar Details der Studie:

– 23% buy movies in digital format
– 35% buy music on MP3 files
– 25% buy music on mobile devices
– 39% watch TV on the internet
– 23% watch TV on mobile devices
– 46% regularly use IM, 37% on a mobile device
– 29% regularly blog
– 28% regularly access social networking sites
– 22% connect using technologies such as Skype
– 17% take part in Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games
– 17% upload to the internet from a mobile device

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